Serayu Makmur Kayu Indo
We are grateful to God, because we have been able to write about the series of seedlings activity and trees planting which have been done by SERAYU GROUP since year 2000 until today.
SERAYU GROUP is a group of national private company in the field of veneer industry, plywood, bare core, block board and S4S Balsa. The raw material used by the plywood manufacturing industry which is involved in SERAYU GROUP majorly are the varieties of Sengon ( Albasia ) wood, Africa wood, Gmelina, Jabon, Balsa and other wood varieties from people’s plantation ( fast growing plantation ).
Since the establishment, management of SERAYU GROUP has already determined to establish and develop gardens on areal belongs to the society around the wood manufacturing industry owned by SERAYU GROUP through the seedlings activity, seeds distributions and plantation on own area and people’s area, and the fast growing tree species such as: Albasia, Jabon, Africa, Gmelina and Balsa.
In performing its wood manufacturing industry, management of SERAYU GROUP does not only consider about the profit orientation to develop company’s revenue, but also endeavor to utilize natural resources around the industry location, in order to contribute in supporting the local area development, offering job opportunity and business opportunity to the surroundings people or society by not putting aside our responsibility in preserving the continuous woods raw material resources for our industry.
Our contributions through the seedlings activity, seeds distributions to the society and enforcing trees planting activity of fast growing tree species, does not only benefit the company and society, but also brings benefit in improving nature / living environment quality within the region and in managing this plantation program. Serayu Group from beginning until today has never sold any seeds, small trees and fertilizer.
As another prove of our care towards the environment is that we have organized a socialization activity to the society about the identification and early stage tackling of the gall rust disease on Albasia / sengon plantation, by inviting the gall rust disease expert, Dr.Ir.Sri Rahayu from Gadjah Mada University and working together with local region government.
We hope that the readers, whether from governmental bodies, environmental care community, forest community, and also society such as farmer and gardener, may easily find out that planting commercial trees on their land can bring tremendous benefit to their living and also improve their living environment quality.
May this preface serves as a useful information media to describe SERAYU GROUP as wide as possible in society based trees planting activity enforcement and we would be pleased to receive any suggestion and critics to develop this program.
To all parties who have been supporting this well working program, we would like to express our gratitude. Let all our efforts will be blessed by God.
A. General View
Serayu group is a group of national private company in the field of wood manufacturing industry with major production such as veneer, plywood, bare core, block board and S4S Balsa.
Wood raw material used by SERAYU GROUP industries, mainly is the woods of company’s own plantation and people’s plantation which is guided by Serayu Group with the wood species such as: Sengon/Albasia ( Faraserianthes falcataria ), Africa ( Maesopsis eminii ) , Gmelina ( Gmelina arborea ), Jabon ( Anthocephalus cadamba ), Balsa ( Lagophus ocroma ) and other fast growing woods species.
Products of SERAYU GROUP are used by abroad customers as the raw material to create lunch box, souvenir box, cigarette box, clock box, toys, furniture and various kind of products. This is in accordance with the nature of produced product which is generally in white and red colour, very light in weight, easy to work on, does not contain any dangerous extract and its wood is long-lasting and strong.
To be an effective and rational management unit in utilising natural resources as maximal as possible by paying attention to all aspects of production preservation, ecology preservation aspect and social aspect.
- Enforcing trees planting to guarantee the availability of raw material supply for SERAYU GROUP’s Industries in the future.
- Planting trees as an obvious act of devotion towards humanity, contributing in oxygen supply which is vitally needed by mankind.
- Make use of the critical land optimally, decrease the earth heat and minimalize disaster such as: landslide, flood and others, as well as tackling the statement where Indonesia is accused as being the world’s no 1 forest damaging country as addressed on global warming meeting in Bali Island on 31st December 2007 which is not true.
- Inviting all of the society and government bodies to plant trees, whether in term of guiding partner or cooperation partner which is beneficial to both sides.
- Developing people’s economy to help the government in increasing the society’s well-living level, by involving the society in planting trees individually or in organization.
- Creating the small woodworking company to support SERAYU GROUP’s industries raw material.
- Designing the planting activity through the term of guiding partner, cooperation partner and planting on own area.
- Calculating financial projection within the time of exertion
- Contributing in economic building especially for society around the factory and garden, such as:
a. Local laborer recruitment
b. Increasing regional revenue from forestry and taxation sector.
c. Boosting people’s economics growth.
B. History Of The Company
The first industry established by SERAYU GROUP was PT Serayu Makmur Kayuindo which was located in Banjarnegara district, set up in year 2000 by taking over the previous factory, the business license of forest woods premier industry was issued by the Industrial and Trading official department of Middle java province with no 503/1689.1/2001 jo, as the decision of the head of industrial and trading official department of middle java No 503/1841-1/2002.
Based on section 54 of Government Regulation No 34 year 2002 the regulating authority, guidance and development of IPPHK ( forest woods premier industry ) arranged by Forestry minister and based on section 3 decision of forestry minister no 300/kpts-II/2003 jo Forestry minister Regulation No P.16/Menhut-II/2004, it was mentioned that every business license of forest woods premier industry must re-register, and the license was renewed through decision of forestry minister No.SK.1856/MENHUT-VI/BPPHH/2005 with veneer and plywood production capacity of 48.000m3/year. In 2011 Serayu Group had also acquired wood legality certification with no BRIK – VLK – 0025.
C. Marketing
The products produced by SERAYU GROUP besides for local market also majorly aimed for exporting to several countries such as Japan, Netherland, Canada, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and several middle east countries. The products are plywood, bare core, block board and S4S Balsa.
SERAYU GROUP cooperates with buyers from abroad in a continuous and mutually profitable cooperation way, which is applied by mutual visitation. Several buyers who have visited our company can be traced from the plants they planted on the collection garden in Banjarnegara district and Majalengka district, where they were each given a small tree to be planted with own hands as collection plants, as well as management of Serayu Group has made several visitations to buyers’ companies abroad, and even brought several guided farmers along.
Our products are then re-processed again by them into finished goods such as lunch box, souvenir box, cigarette box, toy box, clock box, furniture and various kinds of products.
The demand keeps on increasing year by year along with plantation program carried out by SERAYU GROUP, because this convince the buyers that raw material used is environmental friendly, which is derived from own plantation and guidance farmer group of Serayu Group.
I. Background
The raw material supply to industries of SERAYU GROUP is obtained by purchasing from society as well as own plantation and cooperation partners’ plantations. The woods are Albasia, Jabon, Balsa and other fast growing plantations.
We realize as the supply of logs from natural forest to supply raw material for wood working industry has decreased significantly, as a result of the forest damaging act of illegal logging, so that demand towards logs from people’s own plantation will be increasing day by day and will cause an imbalance between supply and demand of logs, which will affect the continuity of company that brings wide impact towards labor and economic nationally, remembering that 50% of SERAYU GROUP’s production is export products.
Along with the global warming issue nowadays which accuses Indonesia as the world’s number one forest damaging country, as addressed on the Global Warming conference held in Bali on 31st December 2007.
And besides, what happened recently is the natural disaster such as landslide, flood, and drought caused by environmental damage. So Serayu Group has been doing numerous researches and trying to figure out solution to solve the coming matters ahead.
II. Purpose
Based on the mentioned background that Serayu Group does the plantation program with the purpose of :
- To keep the raw material continuity in the future in order to maintain production stability so that the negative impact towards labor may not happen and also to keep economic nationally.
- Tackling the international world’s opinion toward Indonesia as the world’s number one forest damaging country is absolutely not true.
- Participating in preventing the natural disaster and also to keep the water source in the future.
- Showing to the export buyers that products of Serayu Group are environmental friendly products.
III. Plantation
To implement the plantation program, SERAYU GROUP does 2 ( two ) ways as follows:
1. Distributing seeds to society
At the beginning SERAYU GROUP in bringing company’s mission that cares about environment and society into reality, distributed albasia seeds to the society at Banjarnegara district through the department of forestry and living environment as many as 200.000 trees per year, and this continued from year 2000 until 2006.
However it was then considered to be quite ineffective when SERAYU GROUP did the observation and survey of certification towards produced products by inviting society into PHMBL program ( Society based Forest preserving Cultivation ) was difficult to brought into reality.
2. Doing the Planting
Since 2007, SERAYU GROUP has been starting to work on own plantation whether on own area or areas belong to society ( partnership ) and cooperate with society directly under both parties bonding system as follows :
1. Plantation on own area ( Own plantation )
2. Plantation on society’s land ( Guidance plantation )
3. Plantation with profit sharing concept ( Partnership plantation ).
Three of those systems have worked on and reached several locations along with regular monitoring which is then named the so called SERAYU GROUP's guidance.
In order to provide for the seeds provision, Serayu Group has created its own seedlings areas which are located in Middle Java, West Java, South Sumatera and North Sumatera.
The developed plants species are as follows :
1. Albasia ( Faserianthes falcata )
2. Africa ( Maeopsis eminii )
3. Jabon ( Anthocepalus cadamba )
4. Gamelina ( Gmelina arborea )
5. Balsa ( Lagopus ocrhoma ) and other fast growing plantation species.
The aim of plantation does not only targeted in Java Island where the soil is fertile, but also targeted on thousands hectares of critical or serious lands in Sumatera Island, by actively inviting different people from various fields, whether the surrounding society, bureaucrat, practitioner, businessman, moslem institution and even banker who may interested in planting trees investment under SERAYU GROUP’s guidance.
As the guide SERAYU GROUP once in every 3-month-time routinely has its experts supervise all the plantation activity since seedlings until the harvest.
As the company that cares about environmental preservation, SERAYU GROUP also participated actively in the action of National Joint Plantation program by contributing 200.000 trees in the event held on 21st November 2007 which is symbolically planted by The Forestry Minister, MS Kaban in Wonosobo District, Middle Java and actively participate in similar activity in Lumajang District, East Java led directly by region head of Lumajang.
So socialization activity and trees planting done by SERAYU GROUP besides to keep the raw material supply sustainability in the future, also to support the government in handling the low people’s economy, as well as to tackle the global warming issue faced by the world nowadays, because the plantation is planted not only on productive land but also nonproductive land and will bring benefit to surrounding society and Indonesian people and even until the world’s society.
Plantation areas of Serayu Group until year 2014 have reached out 10 provinces such as: West Java ( Kuningan, Cirebon, majalengka, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Bogor, Cianjur, etc), Middle Java (Wonosobo, Kebumen, etc ), East Java ( Lumajang, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso, etc) DI Yogyakarta (Sleman, Kulon Progo ), DKI Jakarta ( kelapa gading ) and Banten ( Serang, Rangkas Bitung, etc ). Out of Java island region, such as: Riau Province, Bangka Belitung, South Sumatera and North Sumatera, with 22.402 ha area wide and numbers of plantation around 26.466.660 trees as well as guiding around 18.355 farmers groups including the local moslem institution. Since the early 2013, Serayu Group has been appointed to be the plantation consultant in Malaysia with width of area where has been planted, is being planted and will be planted of 12.500 ha wide.
Various awards related to the plantation program have also been acquired by Serayu Group from both inside the country and abroad. The award from inside the country came from government through the forestry minister as Prima Wana Mitra Award starting from silver category until platinum, which is awarded to industry that cares about people’s forest development. The award from abroad came from University of Malaya ( Malaysia ), as an industry that cares about the environment and its active participation in earth saving through trees plantation program.
Serayu often uses the moments to both socialize and invite the society from numerous fields to plant trees, for example when invited in several seminars held by central government ( forestry minister ), regional province / city government, through forestry and garden official department ( West Java, Middle Java, North Sulawesi, North Sumatera, Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, Purworejo, Pemalang, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, Kuningan, Cirebon, Lumajang ), Higher Education Institution such as STIE Taman Siswa Banjarnegara and University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta whether as invited speaker in the seminar or as invited lecturer in forestry faculty, Research institution such as Litbang Kehutanan Manado and Balai Besar Litbang Kehutanan Yogyakarta.
In order to reach the maximum harvest, Serayu Group is also diligent to hold several educating workshops to the farmer society and institutions about diseases that can damage the plantation together with the solution and way to tackle them, such as gall rust disease on Albasia / sengon plantation in cooperation with the plantation disease expert from University of Gadjah Mada, Mrs.Dr.Ir.Sri Rahayu.
Up to now and the future ahead, plantation will keep going so that it will be a lot easier for Serayu Group to develop its industry in the future in facing the tighter competitions of wood manufacturing industry ahead, especially in facing the free trade market that has taken place.
Since the establishment of SERAYU GROUP that began with the set-up of PT Serayu Makmur Kayuindo ( SMK I ) in the early 2000 at Banjarnegara district, cooperation with regional government had been done, as an act of care towards society development and improvement, such as:
- Until 2007, PT SMK had distributed seeds of Sengon / Albasia tree to the society ( farmer ) in Banjarnegara district of about 200.000 trees per year, since year 2000 had been distributed to Banjarnegara district government where in this case was represented by Forestry and Living environment official department of Banjarnegara district that was distributed through DPKT ( Forestry and land conversion department )
- Helping the library of Banjarnegara district ( since year 2000 up to 2006 ), by giving books, bookshelves, and 8 units of computers for the administration and internet used, until Banjarnegara library eventually turned into a quite complete library for its books collection and was lively visited by readers such as students, university students and society of Banjarnegara district as well as outside the district.
- Since August 2004 until May 2006 routinely every month will PT SMK offered scholarship to 500 school students, in cooperation with the education and Culture department of Banjarnegara district.
Along with its development, Serayu Group had also taken part in caring for the moslem institution, by cultivating unproductive lands around the institution into productive lands and helping the members by providing wardrobes, bookshelves and beds at moslem institutions in West Java and East Java. In fact several workers of Serayu Group were from the moslem institution.
In order to grow the spirit of nurturing and caring for the environment, Serayu Group also actively socialize about trees planting to government bodies and private institutions. The capital city is also one of the main targets for the green-planting program where DKI Jakarta is one of the capital cities with high pollution rate, by planting on Mako Puspomal Kelapa Gading North Jakarta with approximately 18 ha wide.
Motto of Serayu Group:
“If you buy plywood and other products of Serayu Group, you are indirectly doing the real act of devotion in saving our earth by planting trees”